Arctic series
Диптих по итогам арт-резиденции в норвежском городе Берлевог - исследование арктической природы и поиск форм, которые смогли бы выразить ее трансформирущую силу.

Эти колье - история о личном переживании целостности, страха смерти и благоговения перед мастшабом и красотой мира, которое могло случичиться только в арктике.

Материалы: серебро, морские ракушки и галька.
Техники: выпиловка, ковка, моделирование по воску, литье органики.

Резиденция: Kvitbrakka Museum & Hyper Borealis AiR
Куратор: Дарья Климашева
Портреты/ретушь: Роман Микитюк/Belivitasia

Плейлист коллекции в Spotify

Full of life
I walked along the coast, watching the sun set behind the mountains. My back straightened,
and two different parts of me fused together, and I became one - i was so whole it was painful.
And inevitable as death.

I wanted to be worthy of the vast and beautiful world that surrounded me, to be
an essential part of it. Before I hadn’t understood how to heal a wound inside me,
my broken heart. But then it became clear - it was healing already, same as my cut finger,
and I could observe it happening inside and outside at the same time.

I knew I would never be alone again because you were with me, because you were me.
Beauty and peril
I’ve read that Ancient Greeks believed Hyperboreans ended their lives by throwing themselves
to the sea and could reincarnate after death. I imagined myself doing so, trying to understand what it should have meant for them. Аn attempt to fully dissolve into nature and continue
one’s being as an object of it? Then could these rocks and shells I pick at the beach represent
the undying bodies of northern titans, discovered by us, their descendants?

How would it feel? To be entwined by seaweed, blissfully deaf deep down underwater,
rolled smooth by the waves, nameless, undone.

I looked around, felt the calming scent of decaying marine life and suddenly realized -
everything is dying.